These clips below are all real clips that have been collected from investigations we've conducted

Before you look at these clips, understand that space is limited on our website and that not every clip from each investigation will be added and old less popular clips will be deleted if necessary. Also the audio EVP and disembodied voice clips are going to be in the range from obvious-to barely audible, for the most part, you will have to listen to most of these clips several times, headphones recommended, and with your volume up pretty much all the way, to hear them. One thing we can say is if your getting frustrated from not being able to hear them just listen closely try to keep the area you're in extremely quiet and keep your volume up. The more you listen to these clips the more you will start to hear them.
We rank our clips differently then most groups out there, here is our rank descriptions below.
Level 1= obvious
Level 2= audible
Level 3= semi-audible
Level 4= faint
Level 5= very faint
Yorktown Battlefields
Level 1: This is considered to be the best clip of the investigation. The sigh or "yes" you hear in this clip is not Andrew (which was the only possible voice at the time),
Private Residence Dale City (Unofficial Case)
Level 3: Ignore the whisper at the beginning of this clip. What appears to have happened in this clip, is Andrew talking over a spirit voice. You'll hear a voice then Andrew saying "I remember them" then the rest of what the voice said. (voice could be saying: "did fight" or "did have a lot of fights")
Ferry Plantation 1st Visit
Level 3: This clip you'll hear Andrew talking then at the end listen for a female voice saying im here or something (in the Best Parlor room)?
Level 2: On this one, you hear investigators (Tom and Bryant) asking a question (would you like us to leave?) and at the end you will hear a "no".
Prentis House/Suffolk Visitor's Center
Level 2: This clip you will hear a female investigator, followed by a male whispering something, and then another female investigator.
Level 1: In this clip, you will hear the startling personal experience that several investigators had that night, footsteps walking up a staircase, and then just simply disappearing.
Level 3: This clip you should hear an investigator say "yeah" followed by a female humming.
**New** Level 1: Keep in mind for this clip that there is no piano in the house, but there used to be during the time when the prominent family lived there.
Holly Knoll House
Level 1: (Top Rated Evidence!!) In this clip you will hear an two investigators talking, and you should hear what sounds like a whisper saying "Ken" ?
Riddick's Folly Musuem
Level 3: This clip has a very strange, unexplained sound heard that night in the basement, this occurred right after we left the basement after the personal experience
Byrd Theatre
Level 2: Footsteps are heard above Tom and Meg who were investigating the ladies bathroom.
Level 2: Footsteps not heard at the time, are heard above Synique, Crystal and Rahat in the 1st floor of the Jail.
Level 4: A faint whisper is heard before Rahat asks a question on the first floor of the Jail.
Ferry Plantation Revisited
Level 4: A faint young female whisper is heard out in the hallway of the best parlor room.
Level 1: A woman's voice saying "um" or "home" is clearly heard on the recorder but not heard by Andrew and Luke.
Webb Library
Level 1: A strange male voice is captured in the basement that was not heard at the time.
Smyth's Cottage
Level 2: A male whisper and footstep is heard in the upstairs loft after two investigators leave.
Standardsville Private Residence
Level 3: A male/older woman's voice saying "Somebody's here" or "Something's here".
Level 2: Personal experiences of a male and female voice in this clip.
Battleship North Carolina
Ferry Plantation (3rd Trip)
Level 3: This clip was caught in the Parlor Room 10 minutes after a team had left the area, the very odd thing about this clip is it sounds eerily similar to the female whisper or giggling of last year's trip to the same place!
The Exchange Hotel
Level 2: This is what sounds like a female voice sob recorded from the 2nd floor of the main house, no one was in the vicinity of the recorder.
Level 4: This appears to be similar to the first clip, also caught on the 2nd floor, it appears to again be a female voice humming no one on that floor or the floor above.
Level 1: This clip was recorded on the 3rd floor, just after a team of all girls asked if there was a little girl with them you hear what sounds like a pretty clear female voice.
Level 4: After investigating a room where a prostitute supposedly haunts, Rahat and Andrew hear a female voice say something faint and quick just after Brian (Charlottesville Daily Progress Newspaper Reporter) gets up from his seat.
St. Albans Mental Hospital
Level 2: This two minute long clip, sounds like a possible female voice having some sort of tick or redundant noise, it has been described as a mental tick, coughing, even hiccups.
Level 4: In this clip you will hear one of the actual claims of St. Albans, we wer