Welcome To the Official Website
of the
Old Dominion Ghost Hunters !
Est. 2009
Last updated: 12-08-2016
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Promo Video of our USS Wisconsin Investigation in downtown Norfolk and some great evidence!
This site is dedicated to Old Dominion's University Paranormal Investigation Student and Alumni Organizations, Paranormal Investigators abroad, and all others seeking to learn more about the unexplained!
Our Mission
To Conduct Paranormal Investigations and gain knowledge as well as evidence of Paranormal phenomena. This group is now an officially sanctioned student organization at Old Dominion University. We are completely non-profit and all investigations are free of any fee or charge. Helping people is our highest priority and something we pride ourselves on.
Our History and Experience
The Old Dominion Ghost Hunters were founded in Mid November of 2009 by Andrew Patchan, (while attending as a Freshman at Old Dominion University). Since then, they have been dedicated to professional, courteous and high quality investigations of potentially haunted locations. Though the establishment of the group is relatively new, Andrew's experience along with several other members on the team, far out dates the ODGH. Running his original group called NVGH (Northern Virginia Ghost Hunters)(http://andrewpatchan.tripod.com), he has 7 years of investigating experience under his belt, including an investigation of the Weems-Botts Musuem in Dumfries, VA as well as many other residential, historic and business locations from Maryland to North Carolina.
We are an extremely professional and dedicated group of individuals who share a passion for helping others and pursuing the Paranormal as a recognized scientific field of study. We have an absolute dedication to our clients in helping them in any way that we can. The Old Dominion Ghost Hunters are a quality group of students who are hard-working and driven in their pursuits.
Contact Information
If you are interested in joining our group contact:
If you need help with paranormal activity contact :
Andrew@odughosthunters.com or apatc001@odu.edu
(Please remember to state your name, pertinent contact information, a description of the location with the activity, and a description of the activity you are experiencing)
Over the Years
Season of Spring 2009
This first full season of the ODGH at Old Dominion University started off with a boom! An interest meeting to start off the club/team contained 29 individuals! After limiting the teams size down to 20 official members, the season began with the introduction of the Yorktown Battlefields case, which was a great paranormal treat for 8 of the new members. The equipment was functional, though many more types of equipment, as well as quantities were being looked into. Funding was also an issue, but 2010 promised more ease for funding options possibly though the university. The team has had a few personal issues, but nothing that hasn't been resolvable. 2010 promises to hold a bulk of investigations including a haunted Prison, Battleship and Several Museums.
Season of Fall 2010
Fall of 2010 proved to be the most active and extensive season yet. The Fall Organization fair gathered nearly a hundred interested individuals to sign up for the organization! With the Facebook group page now reaching 70+ members, the ODGH has been shined into the light. Investigating numerous locations and finding great evidence was also prominent in this semester. The semester of Fall 2010 actually rivaled the total investigations for both semesters of 2009! Funding seems to be getting closer within reach for the ODGH, and will soon be a reality. For the first time, the ODGH was handed the keys to an Old Historic Jail in Edenton North Carolina which proved to be an exceptionally creepy location. In addition, the revisit to Ferry Plantation was a great experience for the newly created team. Not to mention the equipment inventory during this semester nearly doubled in size! With all of these great experiences behind us, we can only dream that the Spring of 2011 promises to hold an even more exciting future!
Season of Spring 2011
Spring 2011 continued the upward spiral of the group's potential. For the first time ever, the ODGH recieved $500 to investigate the USS North Carolina Battleship in Wilmington, NC. Many great investigations took place, great evidence was found, as well as very good debunking at the Riddick's Folly Museum. Also for the first time, the ODGH was called to help a family in need and effectively delivered comfort and solutions to the family. The amount of cases was absolutely the highest it has ever been on record. The equipment inventory now nearly triples what the group started with back in 2009. The Fall 2011 semester looks to continue the upward trend for the group. Investigation hopes include an Asylum, Theatre, Penitentiary, and Christmas Store! The group has come a tremendous way and continues to climb to one of the top groups on the East Coast. WODU Radio has even agreed to try and begin running a mini TV-series on the campus network. Surely ODGH will grow and prosper to one of the top paranormal research teams in the US.
Season of Fall 2011
The season of Fall 2011 was full of greatness. ODGH again managed to get 85 sign-ups at the Fall Organizational Fair at ODU! (Though only a handful came out to cases and meetings) The equipment inventory has continued to grow including the purchase of a new DVR and Cameras at the end of the semester! This semester included a revisit to the always amazing Ferry Plantation, a Christmas store in old town Alexandria, and the paranormally active Exchange Hotel. Later in the semester the team was handed the keys to a historic inn in Edenton, NC, a favorite spot of the ODGH. And to top it all off, the team was able to investigate its first ever Mental Hospital out in Radford, VA! It was truly a great semester for the team and many memorable investigations were conducted that will not soon be forgotten. The teams morale is at an all-time high, who knows what is in store for the spring semester of 2012!
Season of Spring 2012
The season of Spring 2012 continued to impress as it contained the most investigations in one semester on record! The group investigated its first ever Lighthouse and returned to great places such as the Exchange Hotel! There was also a very surprising interesting investigation at the Occoquan Inn where the lights at command center actually turned on by themselves! The many great investigations of this semester continues to drive the team in their pursuits. Lots of great evidence was found this semester and some terrific debunking work was done as well, keeping the group to a very high level of credibility. Some great new members joined the team that will hopefully be around for years to come and wiith the final year at ODU ahead of the team for most of the officers of the group, we can only hope that next year will go out with a bang!
Season of Fall 2012
This season was one to always remember for the ODGH. As our founder Andrew Patchan began his senior year this semester, it certainly was a great start. During this season the team and investigations could not have been better. The team started off by visiting to a place that has a close connection with Andrew's past since he hadn't investigated it since he was 16!, the Weems-Botts Museum in Dumfries, VA. This investigation yielded lots of personal experiences and evidence for the group. But this was just the beginning, the team was then presented with the most unique opportunity ever, they were given access to investigate the USS Wisconsin in downtown Norfolk and are the only group that has been given access to investigate it to date. This incredible opportunity and investigation also had tremendous results as the team experienced lots of unexplained activity below deck. The team also investigated a highly active home in Virginia Beach with clear unexplained voices and another great return trip to the Ferry Plantation. Overall this was probably the best semester on record in terms of evidence and active places investigated, and as the team approaches Andrew's final semester at ODU, one can only hope for a grand finale in the Spring of 2013.
Season of Spring 2013
Spring of 2013 was Andrew's last season as president of the group (since he graduated!). This semester contained an awesome return trip to the USS Wisconsin, the eerie Hill View Manor which proved to live up to its reputation as being incredibly haunted and some places including a winery and an old plantation in Charles City! Overall this last semester was a great finale for many of the senior members of the group. The group will be changing with new leadership, but it will continue to prevail with its new president Alex McGinnis leading the group into the 2013-2014 season! Also Andrew will be forming a ODGH Alumni group which will basically be a branch of ODGH. The future continues to look bright for this ambitious group!
Season of Fall 2013
Alex McGinnis took over the group as Campus President while Andrew began building the Northern VA ODGH Branch. Some of the most memorable cases would e our trip to Old South Pittsburgh Hospital in Tennessee. Even though not much credible evidence was captured. it was still an amazing trip. We also saw a couple of return trip to past locations including Oc caquan Inn, Ferry Plantation, and Weems Botts.
Season of Spring 2014
This was Alex's final year at Old Dominion University . We saw our return trip to Hill View Manor during Spring break with a whole new team of investigators. Hillview has been an incredible investigation hot spot for us these past two years. At the end of Spring, Alex Graduated and passed on the Campus Presidency to Stephanie Stewart. A young, dedicated member of ODGH. Andrew and Alex continue to run ODGH as 1st and 2nd in command, while Stephanie controls everything that happens on campus as the 3rd in command of ODGH .
Season of Fall 2014
We are currently in this season and things have had a rough start. With the transitional period between leadership roles still occurring, things have become very slow for ODGH. Andrew and Alex our training and over seeing stephanie as she grows into being an outstanding Campus President. During this time, Alex and Andrew current seek ways to grow ODGH by building the Nothenr VA Brand of ODGH and training new members of our ODU campus Branch. We are expecting to be up and full running again by the time we investigate Old Licking County Jail in Newark Ohio this winter. Big things for ODGH are still to come.