A brief overview of the way we rank places and what each rank really means
Note* We rank places of potential haunting for our official group opinion on several different levels. Please understand that we do only visit most of these places once, twice, or a handful of times so these opinions strictly reflect only our own investigations and empirical evidence that we've found.
-The first level is No/Little Activity, if this is true of a case, then we have basically no evidence, or any personal experiences to back up any type of paranormal activity. This status can include one or two controversial evidence clips or experiences.
-The second level is Suspicious activity, if this is true of a case, then we as a group believe that the place has potential for paranormal activity. Though we most definitely can't say it is haunted at this level, we can say there could be activity but an additional investigation may be needed in this case. This level of activity usually includes a few personal experiences and some controversial evidence.
-The third level is Paranormally Active, a case that possesses this status, has many personal experiences and some reasonable evidence. Though we do not consider this to be a haunting either,mostly because it is missing that one piece of evidence or experience in our mind that would lead us to believe without a doubt that it is haunted. But it still will be checked out for a second investigation and most definitely has the potential to be a haunted location.
-The fourth and final level is Haunted, obviously if a case receives this status is taken very seriously and is backed up by great evidence and proportional personal experiences, it can also be characterized by clear intelligent interaction. This level is incredibly rare and not reported very often by the ODGH.
Investigation Level Of Activity
Yorktown Battlefields Little Activity
Dale City Private Residence Suspicious Activity
Quarantine Road Little Activity
Ferry Plantation Paranormally Active
Old Suffolk Visitor's Center/Prentis House Haunted
Holly Knoll House Suspicious Activity
Riddick's Folly Musuem Suspicious Activity
Byrd Theatre Little Activity
Fredericksburg Private Residence No Activity
Edenton Jailers House Little Activity
Edenton Jail Suspicious Activity
Webb Library Suspicious Activity
Edgar Allan Poe Musuem No Activity
Crawford Rd No Activity
Smyth's Cottage Suspicious Activity
Ramblewood Mansion Little Activity
Standardsville Private Residence Haunted
USS North Carolina Suspicious Activity
The Christmas Attic Little Activity
Exchange Hotel Main House Paranormally Active
Exchange Hotel Kitchen Little Activity
Exchange Hotel Depot Paranormally Active
Tillie Bond Cottage Little Activity
Proprietor's House Suspicious Activity
The Pack House Inn No Activity
St. Albans Mental Hospital Paranormally Active
Norfolk Private Residence Suspicious Activity
Chincoteague Island Manor House Little Activity
Avenel Plantation Suspicious Activity
Occoquan Inn Paranormally Active
Graffiti House Little Activity
Point Lookout Lighthouse Little Activity
Weems-Botts Museum Paranormally Active
USS Wisconsin Haunted
Virginia Beach Private Residence Paranormally Active
Belle Grove Plantation Haunted
Hill View Manor Haunted
Stables Theatre No Activity
Edgewood Plantation Suspicious Activity
LaGrange Winery Little Activity
Oaklands Mansion Little Activity
Old South Pittsburg Hospital Suspicious Activity
Old Church/Howard County Museum No Activity
Valerie Hill Winery Paranormally Active